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Ways to Save on Your Air Conditioning Bill

Spring is here, and summer is close behind it, and in Arizona, we know that the heat can be almost unbearable. What’s worse than the weather during the summer are our energy bills, they skyrocket due to the extreme temperatures. So, our air conditioning experts at Heath’s Air created a list of ways to help you get through the heat and also save on your cooling bill this summer.

Smart Thermostat

At Heath’s Air, we recommend saving on your air conditioning bill by installing a smart thermostat in your home. These can cut energy costs in half by adjusting the temperatures for when you are home and when you’re not. According to the department of energy, you can save money by changing your temperature seven to eight degrees during an eight hour a day. Smart Thermostats automate this process and will also adapt to what temperatures are most comfortable for you and your family, all while saving you money.

Sealing windows

Our Heath’s Air certified technicians see this problem more often than you’d think, cracked weather-stripping or unsealed windows, and it can cause our customers more money on their energy bill. We advise checking to see if your windows are sealed properly and if there are any cracks or leaks, because if there are, then this can make your air conditioning unit work harder causing your bill to increase. Take the time during the nice spring weather to caulk holes and weather-strip windows, so during the summertime, none of the cool air leaks out through your windows.

Ceiling Fans

During the summertime running your air conditioning at all hours of the day can really increase energy bills, so our Heath’s Air recommendation is to make use of your ceiling fan. Turning on the ceiling fan can help circulate the cool air coming from your air conditioning and take some of the burdens off of your system too.

Service Your Air Conditioning Unit

Having your air conditioning system serviced at least once a year by a Heath’s Air expert can keep your unit working efficiently. A certified tech will be able to clean and run tests on your unit to make sure it is running just how it should be. Save your money before the heat gets here and schedule an appointment for a Heath’s Air technician to come out and get your AC serviced.

Repair Your Unit – If Needed

If you know your A/C isn’t working or if you think there may be something wrong, it’s always a good idea to have a professional come out and fix it. Running a broken air conditioner can cost you loads of money and possibly put you and your family at risk of during the summertime. Heath’s Air experts know how to fix all major brands, so if you know or even think your unit may not be able to withstand the heat, call and schedule an appointment with Heath’s Air today.

Invest in a new Air Conditioning Unit

If you made it to the point where you have already had your unit serviced, and the Heath’s Air technician has tried to fix it, but your unit is too far gone, then it’s time for a new one. Before you go buying just any unit, think about researching energy-efficient air conditioning systems. Systems with the Energy Star on it typically will save you money and have your will run at a high-efficiency rate, which will save you the most money in the long run. Once you have finally decided on your unit, you can set up an appointment with Heath’s Air, and one of our certified technicians will come out and install it for you.

There you have it, now when summer comes, you’ll be ready and have the security from Heath’s Air that your air conditioning unit is running well and that your cooling bill will be manageable. If you have any other questions about how to better manage your Air conditioning unit, give us a call, and one of our Heath’s Air experts will be able to answer your questions.

From all of us at Heath’s Air – Stay cool this summer!